What do I feed a baby bird?
Please do not ever feed a baby bird unless you are experienced. Different species and different ages of birds require different diets. Plus it is very easy to kill a bird as the airway and the throat are so close together. Please, do not even try. Also never, ever give milk to any bird (poisonous) or any live foods (mealworms etc can chew through the crop area and worms can crawl into the airway!). Leave the feeding to the experienced and hand it over to a rescue asap.

I found a tame wild bird, is it a pet?
Usually if you find a wild bird that is allowing you to pick it up and handle it, then it is most likely dying and needs to be taken to a rescue asap. This is not usual behaviour and is an indication that something is VERY seriously wrong with it.
If it is a non wild bird and is a lost pet, then please get in touch with any rescue (including us) or pop him along to a vet and usually the owner can be located.

I found a pigeon or other bird with leg bands on. What do I do?
This is a usually privately owned racing pigeon and the owners should be contacted asap. Please keep the bird quiet in a box with some wild bird seed and some water. Do not give it bread, rice, pasta or anything else to eat.
Write down the numbers and letters you see on the leg ring and you can find the owner via this website:
https://www.rpra.org/stray-reporting/. If you are unable to do this then please take it to a local vet or rescue centre. Most owners will arrange collection for their bird.

Will a vet charge me for taking a wild bird to them?
Vets have a duty of care to see wildlife by law and you should not be charged, even out of hours, unless you are a rescue centre or rehabber. Unfortunately, many vets will put to sleep most wildlife that are brought in rather than treat them, so try and find a wildlife friendly vet who knows appropriate local rehabbers for that species.

What kinds of illnesses/ailments can birds have?
The most typical illnesses we encounter are the following:
Trichomonas Gallinae aka Canker, Coccidiosis, Mycoplasmosis, Salmonella, Paramyxovirus, Avipoxvirus, Chlamydia, Mites, Lice, Flat/Louse Fly infestation, blocked crops and sour crops (both usually caused by the public feeding incorrect foods, such as milk, bread, uncooked rice and uncooked pasta!). There are many, many more including the awful Avian Flu. However, the above list are the most frequent we deal with on a regular basis.

Can I catch any illness from a sick bird?
Yes it is possible to catch various illnesses from a sick bird, such as Salmonella, Psittacosis and some diseases can cause conjuctivitis. You can also pick up mites and lice, which can bite humans, although they cannot solely live on a human host for a long period.

Do you put to sleep any sick or injured birds?
Yes, sadly, sometimes it is kinder to put a bird to sleep if it is truly suffering and cannot be rehabilitated back into the wild. We do not take this option lightly and will do all we can before making that decision.

Why do you not take ALL wild birds?
We would LOVE to be able to take on board all species of bird. However, it would be unfair on the bird if we do not have adequate facilities and housing for that particular species.
We will always pass on details of other rescues who can take certain species that we cannot.
We cannot take any water birds, sea birds or poultry, birds of prey, some migratory birds or kingfishers. In an emergency of course we will take anything in but they will be transferred to a suitable rescue for rehabilitation as soon as possible.

We are happy to take all regular garden birds from tiny finches to woodpeckers to corvids, of all ages.